Ethicist and theologian
Walter Schmidt, b. In Mainz in 1973, studied Kath. Theology and Philosophy in Mainz , Tübingen and the LMU and College of Philosophy Munich. In 2003 he joined the Max Weber Kolleg in Erfurt in Philosophy doctorate (Summa cum Laude). After a one-year MSc in Development Studies at SOAS, University of London Walter Schmidt Scientific Coordinator at Ethics Center of the Univ. Tübingen (until 2008). From 2009-2010, he was Personal Assistant to Chief Executive Officer Josef Sayer at the Misereor Bishop’s Relief Organization . Since 2010, Walter Schmidt is managing director of XertifiX.
Peter Weiß (* 12. March 1956 in Freiburg im Breisgau) is a German politician (CDU). After graduating from high school in 1976, Weiss studied Catholic theology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen until 1982. He then completed a traineeship and then worked in Munich as an editor. In 1985 he moved to the Federal Center of the German Caritas Association in Freiburg / Breisgau as a press officer. From 1988 to 1990, Weiß was the personal assistant to the Secretary General and, from 1990 to 1991, was commissioner for cooperation with the associations in the new federal states. From 1991 he was finally Head of Unit in the General Secretariat and from 1993 also as Managing Director of the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg. Peter Weiß is Catholic and has three children.
From 1976 to 1982 Weiss was a member of the executive board of the district association Südbaden of the Junge Union (JU) and of the JU state board in Baden-Württemberg. After he was first deputy chairman from 1989 to 1991, he was from 1991 to 1997 chairman of the CDU district association Freiburg. Weiß is a member of the board of the CDU district association Südbaden and the CDU regional board. Since 2000 he is chairman of the Christian Democratic Workers’ Union (CDA) in South Baden.
White has been a member of the German Bundestag since 1998. Here he is since 2009 chairman of the workers’ group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. On January 29, 2018, he was elected chairman of the working and social working group. Peter Weiß has always moved into the Bundestag as a directly elected member of the constituency Emmendingen – Lahr. In the 2013 general election, he achieved 52.3% of the first votes here.
Weiß is involved in various organizations and associations, such as the Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Freiburg. In addition, he is a member of the advisory board of the Pax Bank and the Central Committee of German Catholics.
Peter Weiß was active in enforcing industry minimum wages and the like. a. involved in nursing and temporary workers. He also works hard for a generally binding wage floor, in which the collective bargaining autonomy is maintained. Finally, at the CDU’s 2011 party convention, a lower wage limit was agreed for areas where there are no collective agreements. He argues that temporary work should be limited to coverage of peak orders and short-term staff shortages. At the latest after a manageable training period, the equal pay of temporary workers should be made with permanent employees. He is intensively involved in pension policy topics. Finally, in order to avoid poverty in old age, he called for changes to the disability pension as well as compulsory insurance for solo self-employed in the statutory pension insurance. Peter Weiß advocated for the qualification and further training of local workers to secure the need for skilled labor of the future. The immigration of experts from countries outside the EU into shortage occupations should be subordinated. He sees one of the main reasons for the emigration of young graduates from Germany to be that they are often offered only limited-term employment or low-paid temporary employment contracts when they start their careers. He therefore calls for a rethinking of the economy.
Ingrid Sehrbrock (born June 1, 1948 in Offenbach am Main) is a German trade union official. From May 23, 2006 to May 31, 2013, she was Deputy DGB Chairwoman.
After training as a druggist, she studied from 1971 to 1976 English studies, political science, chemistry and education (teaching) in Frankfurt am Main. In 1976 she joined the union HBV (today a part of ver.di). After working as a student advisor in 1987, she became a personal assistant to the state secretary for women’s affairs in the state of Hesse, in 1989 she became the federal managing director of the Women’s Union of the CDU (under Rita Süssmuth) and head of the women’s and family policy department of the CDU. From 2006 to 2012 she was a member of the Federal Executive of the CDU. From 1987 to 2013 she was deputy federal chairman of the CDA (Christian Democratic Workforce). From the end of 1999 to 2013 Sehrbrock was a member of the DGB Executive Board. She was responsible there for education policy, in particular for education, youth and women’s policy and civil service / civil servants. She was chairman of the board of trustees of the Hans-Böckler Foundation. In 2010, she joined lesbians and gays in the Union to make a mark against discrimination. Sehrbrock has held several supervisory board mandates.
Today, she is also active as Vice President of the Board of Directors of CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg. She is a member of the General Assembly of the Central Committee of German Catholics and several board of trustees, u. a. the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Exposure and Dialogue Program and the CAIDAO Beratungsgesellschaft, a strategy consultancy for works councils, and advises them on questions of gender equality and participation.