Prof. Dr. Gregor Lang-Wojtasik
Member of the Advisory Board
Professor of Educational Science
Since 2007 Professor of Educational Science at the University of Education Weingarten with a focus on Pedagogy of Difference (Intercultural Education and Global Learning).
Teacher for primary and secondary school, doctorate on non-formal education in Bangladesh and India (2000) at the University of Hannover, habilitation on school theory in world society (2007) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Research and teaching focus in International and Intercultural Comparative Education (focus: global learning, school in globalization, pedagogy of difference), school development research (focus on basic and scholastic theory), qualitative-interpretive education and teaching research, philosophy of science (focus: Systems Theoretical Educational Science and Philosophical Anthropology), Didactics of Primary and Secondary Education I. Various international experiences in European and non-European countries (especially India, Bangladesh and Egypt, Senegal, Japan, Belarus), Mediator (certified since 1999) and Continuing Education in Nonviolent / Respectful Communication (since 2005).
Recent publications: Lang-Wojtasik, Gregor (ed.): Familiarity and strangeness as a framework for participation. Differential-sensitive professionalism as a perspective. Ulm / Münster: Klemm & Oelschläger 2014, Lang-Wojtasik, Gregor / Klemm, Ulrich (ed.): Hand lexicon Global Learning. Münster / Ulm: Klemm & Oelschläger 2012, Lang-Wojtasik, Gregor / Schieferdecker, Ralf (ed.): World Society – Democracy – School. Münster / Ulm: Klemm & Oelschläger 2011, Blömeke, Sigrid / Bohl, Thors-ten / Hague, Ludwig / Lang-Wojtasik, Gregor / Sacher, Werner (ed.): Handbuch Schule. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt UTB 2009.
Further information: http://www.ph-weingarten.de/erziehungswissenschaft/lehrende-lang-wojtasik.php?navanchor=1010103