2nd Revision of the XertifiX-Standard (2017-2018)
The second revision of the XertifiX standard took place from September 2017 to September 2018.
Every interested person was invited to participate in the revision process: They had to send a short e-mail with the subject “Participation in the revision process” to info [at] xertifix.de. They then received the draft of the revised standard and were able to submit amendments to it by December 2017. In addition, XertifiX actively contacted representatives of various stakeholder groups and asked for feedback on the standard draft.
After a first stakeholder round, in a second round those stakeholder groups, of which there was no feedback yet, were contacted again with the request for feedback.
The next revision (3) of the XertifiX standard will be 2023.
Date | Event |
17th September 2018 | Approval of the standard by the Board XertifiX |
22nd August 2018 | Binding decision on the standard by the decision-making body (members of the decision-making body: Kai Battenberg (toom Baumarkt GmbH), Dr. Gudrun Franken (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources), a representative of a church aid organization, Dr. Walter Schmidt (XertifiX e.V.), Ingrid Sehrbrock (XertifiX e.V.)) |
24th May 2018 | Proposal for a decision-making body by the XertifiX Board |
March – April 2017 | Sighting and synopsis of received feedback |
January – March 2017 | Second feedback round |
October – November 2017 | First feedback round Distribution of the draft to the stakeholders with a request for feedback Stakeholders: Members, Trade Unions, Auditors, Politicians, Importers, Exporters, Producers, Experts / Consultants, Civil Society and NGOs, Consumers. |
15th September 2017 | First draft of the revised standard by a XertifiX working group |