Our certified stones can be traced back from the seller in Germany / Europe to the quarry. This is possible through a complex Traceability-System.
Simply put, traceability is a comprehensive system of …
- …physical markings (label) and
- …document checks of the quanities sold and bought at the different stages of the supply chain
With this system in place, the buyer of certified natural stones can be sure, that the production sites of the bought stones have been controlled and that all standard criteria are fulfilled in these production sites.
Step 1: From the quarry to the factory
The operator of the quarry documents the amount of stones delivered to the factory of the audited supply chain. The operator discloses these delivery documents to the XertifiX Auditors and makes sure that they are available at least one year after the audit.
The operator of the factory keeps all delivery documents of the stones delivered to the importer and discloses them to the XertifiX Auditor. These documents need to be accessible at least one year after the audit. The certified natural stones may under no circumstances be mixed with the non-certified natural stones.
Step 2: From factory to the importer
The operator of the factory labels the crates with natural stones with XertifiX labels. These labels are provided by XertifiX.
The operator of the factory makes list with the individual label ID numbers and the corresponding shipment information (container number, invoice date). The operator discloses these documents to the XertifiX Auditor.
The importer stores the crate with certified natural stones that way, that the label can be checked by XertifiX at any time and be verified with the label list. The certified natural stones may under no circumstances be mixed with the non-certified natural stones.
Further Information
1. The XertifiX-Seal
2. 10 Steps to the XertifiX-Seal
3. XertifiX-Standard
4. Controls
5. List of retailers