About Us

The non-profit organization XertifiX Social Projects, founded in 2013, is working on a broad front for the social concerns of the affected people in India: bridge schools, school scholarships, lobbying and motivation programs, etc. help families and children – at least until the Indian State also realizes for every child the right to education (“RTE”).

Avoidance of child labor

In India, it is common practice that migrant workers often live with their children in quarries. These children can not attend school there, either because they do not exist, because they are not admitted to the state school or because they lack the motivation and money to go to school.

Therefore, children with good schools need a real alternative to child labor. This is the goal and mission of XertifiX Sozialprojekte e.V.

Our Team


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XertifiX social projects e.V.
Otto-Brenner-Straße 1
30159 Hannover
info [ae t] xertifix. de
0511 13221 5 3 0

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