Best Rating for XertifiX on “”
We are very pleased that after the efforts of the past 24 months, XertifiX has received the highest rating for the PLUS seal. On the Federal Government’s portal, it says about our seal:
“Excellent choice! This seal meets particularly high requirements in the areas of credibility and social issues.”
This makes XertifiX Plus the only seal for natural stones that is classified as “very good”.
Our standard seal receives the rating “Good choice! This seal meets particularly high requirements in the area of credibility and our requirements in the area of social issues.”
The Federal Government compares the seals of different product groups on its Internet portals “Siegelklarheit” and “Kompass Nachhaltigkeit” and gives consumers and procurers in the municipalities orientation within the abundance of different seals.
Please refer: Our XertifiX standard label on Siegelklarheit
Please refer: Our XertifiX Plus label on Siegelklarheit
Here is an assessment of all seals in comparison: Evaluation of all natural stone seals on “Siegelklarheit”