Klaus Wiesehügel
Member of the Advisory Board
Federal Chairman of IG-BAU a.D.
1953 in Mühlheim / Ruhr, married a child
1959 – 1969 Haupt- and Fachoberschule
1969 apprenticeship as concrete constructor
1973 member of the SPD
1975 Social Academy Dortmund
1976 Trade Union Secretary
1982-1990 Managing Director IG BSE Bonn
1991 Managing Director IG BSE Magdeburg
1991- 1995 Member of the Federal Executive IG BSE
1995-2013 national chairman of IG BAU
1998-2002 Member of the German Bundestag (14th legislative term)
2004-2014 Chairman of the European Migrant Workers’ Association EVW
2013 SPD Bundestag election campaign, member of the competence team
2014 President of the Foundation Social Society – Sustainable Development
2015 Chairman City Sports Association Königswinter
2015 Deputy Federal Election Commissioner for Social Security Elections
Functions and mandates
1997 – 2005 Vice President of the International Federation of Building and Woodworkers (IBBH), Geneva
2005 – 2013 President of the Construction and Woodworkers International (BHI), Geneva