On 1 July 2016, the Federal Government awarded the Federal Law on Procurement to the new federal law of the federal government which came into effect in April. A draft law of the Ministry of Economic Affairs was passed on 7 June by the Lower Saxony Landtag.
The decisive passages are:
“(1) When awarding supply, works or services is to work out that the scope of paragraph no goods are the subject of performance, obtained or produced the set in disregard of the core labor standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) minimum requirements are. […]
(2) The governing body shall determine by regulation the product groups or manufacturing procedures to be applied to paragraph 1 and the minimum content of the contractual provisions referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 1. The Regulation shall apply to certifications and verifications, as well as the contractual arrangements for checks and contractual penalties. ”
Please refer: Niedersächsisches Tariftreue- und Vergabegesetz – NTVergG
Please refer: Niedersächsische Kernarbeitsnormenverordnung – NKernVO
Please refer: Erklärung über die Vorlage von Nachweisen
Please refer: Servicestelle zum Niedersächsischen Tariftreue- und Vergabegesetz